We are using Questionmark to build and deliver our course exams. We tried importing the AICC package into the SCORM activity in Totara, but we could not get the exam to launch, so we are now putting in an external AICC link to the exam within the SCORM activity within Totara. Please see the attachment for our current SCORM activity settings.
The exam will launch now, and when the student completes the exam in the new window (technically through Questionmark), it will give them their score on the exam screen/window and tell them if they passed. That score does show up in Totara when you click on the SCORM activity, but Totara is not marking that activity complete. We have the activity right now set to mark completions for a passed or completed status. Can anyone look over our settings and let us know if we need to change something?
Also, is anyone else using Questionmark to integrate with Totara that wouldn't mind a few quick questions?
Thank you!