Totara Learn Open Discussions

Navigation Block - not displaying all activities?/some but not all?

Fiona Bowen
Navigation Block - not displaying all activities?/some but not all?
di Fiona Bowen - Wednesday, 18 May 2022, 17:38

Hi all,

I have a strange situation where the Navigation Block is not displaying all Activities that are in the coruse (displayed in Course Format).  Some users are therefore missing content if they are using the navigation block to move through content, it all works fine if using the  Next Activity button at the bottom of an activity.

I can't figure out why some items (of the same type - ie pages/assignments/pdfs are appearing in teh same section and others aren't.

Any help is appreciated.

Kind regards,


Meredith Henson
Re: Navigation Block - not displaying all activities?/some but not all?
di Meredith Henson - Thursday, 19 May 2022, 01:46
Gruppo Totara

Hi Fiona,

Do any of the activities in the course have access restrictions applied to them - e.g. do other activities have to be completed before they can be seen/accessed?  Are any of these activities set to have separate groups?

Kind regards,


Fiona Bowen
Re: Navigation Block - not displaying all activities?/some but not all?
di Fiona Bowen - Thursday, 19 May 2022, 19:47

Thanks Meredith,

Great questions.

Here's one example we have:

* There are 3 pages within a Topic, each with an Assignment Activity available under each page.

The first page is showing in the Navigation block, but it's assigment isn't

The second and third pages are showing in the Block, as are their assignments.

Each assignment does have set to separate groups on them, but 2 out of the 3 are showing...

Each assignment does also have a restriction on them (that they are not availalbe until a time period has elapsed since completion of another activity) - but yet 2 of the 3 are showing in the Block.

If I drat the first page down to be above the second page (and the assignment  is at the top) then the assignment shows in the Block, but the first page doesn't.  

Not sure if it's relevant, but there is a blank label above the second page and 3rd page.

Look forward to hearing from you.



Meredith Henson
Re: Navigation Block - not displaying all activities?/some but not all?
di Meredith Henson - Friday, 20 May 2022, 02:20
Gruppo Totara

Hi Fiona,

Ah, gotcha.  Ok, so couple more questions...

1.  Is it just the learner role that can't see that missing activity?  Can you see it in the nav block as an admin or editing trainer?

2. Have you tried deleting that blank label to see if it makes a difference?

I'm still not sure why/how this is happening so if anyone else has any ideas while we are troubleshooting - please feel free to weigh in!



Fiona Bowen
Re: Navigation Block - not displaying all activities?/some but not all?
di Fiona Bowen - Sunday, 22 May 2022, 19:23
Hi Meredith,

Thanks for continuing to troubleshoot with me.

1) it's happening in all views, Learner/Editing Trainer/trainer views

2) Yes, I've tried deleting the labels and even adding new ones - but this doesn't seem to work either.

I've since discovered that another course has a similar issue - with a Topic having 3 Pages and only 2 of them are appearing in the Navigation Block.  It's the middle one that's not appearing at all; though they all have the same set up too.



Meredith Henson
Re: Navigation Block - not displaying all activities?/some but not all?
di Meredith Henson - Wednesday, 25 May 2022, 07:47
Gruppo Totara

Hi Fiona,

I've been trying to replicate this on my demo site and it's all working fine for me (sorry!).  I'd suggest reaching out to your Totara partner so they can dig right into the site and settings and if needed raise a ticket on your behalf with the Totara Helpdesk if you've been cunning enough to find a core issue.

Kind regards,


Fiona Bowen
Re: Navigation Block - not displaying all activities?/some but not all?
di Fiona Bowen - Thursday, 26 May 2022, 19:21

Thanks Meredith for trying to replicate the issue - it is very strange.

Kind regards,
