Totara Learn Open Discussions

courses with audiencebasedvisibility to no users are visible in catalogue to managers?!

Vincent Jamin
courses with audiencebasedvisibility to no users are visible in catalogue to managers?!
by Vincent Jamin - Monday, 23 May 2022, 7:42 AM
Group Good learner 2023Group PartnersGroup V18 Program Complete

I'm having a problem with course visibility in the catalog.
in the system there are many courses that are set up with 'audience based visibility - no users'.

Normal learners (users) will not see these courses in the catalog (role: authenticated users). However, there are also other users in the system with a role ‘verantwoordelijke’ (a copy of authenticated user). They are also managers of one or more users. I think the problem lies here! that they are a manager. They also have the option to create and link learning plans to other users (staff manager). I think that's why they see all the courses in the catalos?

I don't think this is correct behavior and should they only see the courses that are visible? Or can they always see all courses of all visible categories, to assign them via learning plans?

is this issue linked with the manager role (staff manager), or permissions for the learning plans? 

Craig Eves
Re: courses with audiencebasedvisibility to no users are visible in catalogue to managers?!
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 23 May 2022, 3:45 PM
Group Totara

Hi Vincent

I haven't been able to reproduce this with the standard staff manager role so probably a permission issue - I have asked for more info on settings on  the ticket submitted.


Vincent Jamin
Re: courses with audiencebasedvisibility to no users are visible in catalogue to managers?!
by Vincent Jamin - Tuesday, 24 May 2022, 1:56 AM
Group Good learner 2023Group PartnersGroup V18 Program Complete

extra information: 

No multitennancy is set up.
The ser get's the staff manager role when they are assigned through the job assignment of another user. Even when I remove him as a manager, he still can see the 'non visible courses'.

Can this issue perhaps been caused by the learning plan functionality? As a manager i can create learning plans for my team members + assign courses to them? Perhaps I can send you an export of the staff manager role?