Totara Learn Open Discussions

Vouchers or Access Codes

Mik H
Vouchers or Access Codes
von Mik H – Monday, 13 June 2022, 11:25 AM

We have been looking for a solution that will allow a customer to purchase and receive access codes or vouchers. 

Customer could then enroll students, using a voucher code and consume that code at the time of enrollment.

This will need access codes or vouchers for courses and of course access code/ voucher management/administration.

"I can buy or receive 10 codes. When I enroll students I can enter a code and consume one. Now I have 9 left for a specific course"

codes would be for specific courses.

Does anyone have any suggestions or solutions we could look at?

Craig Eves
Re: Vouchers or Access Codes
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Monday, 13 June 2022, 4:22 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Mik

Self enrolment methods can be created for the course - each instance can have an enrolment key and max enrolled users set

There is also a setting to limit the enrolments to specified audience members

The course admin would create an enrolment instance for each customer with a unique code and limit enrolments to however many places were purchased. 

The customer who purchased the voucher would contact their students and provide them with the enrolment key so students can self enrol into the course 


Mik H
Re: Vouchers or Access Codes
von Mik H – Tuesday, 14 June 2022, 5:40 AM

Thank you Craig.

We will give that a test run and see how that works.

If Totara tracks this in its database, there must be a way to show/expose how many are left to a customer?

Could the key be inserted automatically by a key generator? Probably some customization, but it would automate the purchase and key gen?

We serve 8000 training centers, manually adding keys might be problematic.
