Totara Learn Open Discussions

Quick Link not working for users

Karen Stromski
Quick Link not working for users
by Karen Stromski - Thursday, 16 June 2022, 1:32 AM

Can anyone help please....

I’ve set up a new program which contains 6 courses, each of which has a static audience.  On the homepage is a quicklink block with a tile which contains a link to the dashboard for the program.

When I click on the quicklink tile I’m taken to the dashboard for the program, but when I log in as a user I get the following error message when I click on it.

I’ve made the dashboard available to all logged in users and I’ve also reset the dashboard for all users following the changes I made.

When logged in as a user, if I click on the link to the dashboard in the Dashboards block I can get to the Dashboard OK, it’s just the quicklink that doesn’t seem to be working.

Also, to prevent users from accessing courses they haven’t been on, they are all in different audiences, but when I click on one of the courses that someone hasn’t been on, I can access it and get the following message:

I'd appreciate any help or advice anyone can give. Thank you.

Craig Eves
Re: Quick Link not working for users
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 16 June 2022, 7:13 PM
Group Totara

Hi Karen

Can you confirm that you have enrolled the users in the program with the audience - it sounds like you are just enrolling them in the six course of the program?

Can you take a screenshot of the error messages and the dashboard - finding it hard to see how this is setup.


Karen Stromski
Re: Quick Link not working for users
by Karen Stromski - Monday, 20 June 2022, 6:24 AM

Hi Craig

I've enrolled the users into separate audiences depending on the course, but I haven't enrolled them into the program - although I have added them to the programme assignments.

I'm wondering now whether I should even have set this up as a program as they are standalone subjects and users can pick and choose which subjects they do.  

I've attached screenshots of the setup and the dashboard and also attached a screen shot of the error message I get when I'm logged in as a user. 

I'm totally confused and would really appreciate any help you can give. :-(



Craig Eves
Re: Quick Link not working for users
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Monday, 20 June 2022, 4:01 PM
Group Totara

Hi Karen

It looks like you have enrolled the audience users in the program by assigning the program to the audience  Assigning to a program is Ok as it groups course and also allows program messaging to occur when the program has been completed or overdue.

The error is saying that the user who is logged on doesn't have the correct permissions to access the link 

Can you copy the link used in the dashboard tile when logged in as the user and confirm that this works?


Jon Evans
Re: Quick Link not working for users
by Jon Evans - Friday, 17 June 2022, 12:58 AM
Group Partners

Hi Karen

Have you checked that you're using the 'view dashboard' link rather than the 'edit dashboard one'?





It's a common gotcha when using a link to a dashboard as Admin.



Karen Stromski
Re: Quick Link not working for users
by Karen Stromski - Monday, 20 June 2022, 6:02 AM

Hi Jon

I wasn't using the 'view dashboard' link, I was using the 'edit dashboard' link. However, I've changed it but am still having the same issue I'm afraid - when I log in as a learner I still get an access denied error message (screen shot below). 

