Totara Learn Open Discussions

How to Manually Change Recertification Date

Sue Blake
How to Manually Change Recertification Date
von Sue Blake – Wednesday, 22 June 2022, 8:55 AM
Gruppe Good learner 2023Gruppe Most Helpful Contributor 2022Gruppe Most helpful contributor 2023Gruppe TXP Site AdministratorGruppe V18 Program Complete

Can anyone give some advice on this scenario?

Our Recruitment and Selection Certification, which we launched last year) is current for 3 years, the window to recertify opens 2 months before that, and they receive a notification message that they need to recertify.

The issue is that some people (I don't think there are many) are completing the refresher training before the refresher window opens.  Is there a way I can manually update their recertification info?   

I've had a test in changing various different date fields in their Edit Completion Records screen but nothing I've tried seems to work correctly What I need is to see the previous completion is saved, refresher date correct (date they completed it outside of the window) and thee window and expiry dates are extended accordingly.

Any guidance with this would be appreciated.



Nathan Harris
Re: How to Manually Change Recertification Date
von Nathan Harris – Tuesday, 28 June 2022, 1:51 PM

Hi Sue,

When I have staff complete the training before the window opens I go to the edit certification screen and on the completion tab you can amend the current completion dates as well as adding in previous completions.

It's a case of amending the completion dates on both the course and the certification to match them up again.

Hope that helps.



Sue Blake
Re: How to Manually Change Recertification Date
von Sue Blake – Wednesday, 29 June 2022, 8:23 AM
Gruppe Good learner 2023Gruppe Most Helpful Contributor 2022Gruppe Most helpful contributor 2023Gruppe TXP Site AdministratorGruppe V18 Program Complete

Thanks, Nathan, so I guess it is a case of manually changing all of the dates (window open date and expiry dates) as well as the new completion date.  Then adding the previous completion date to the history?

I think when I was testing it I just added the new completion date and wrongly assumed the other dates would be updated automatically.
