We have a shopfloor training which has a combination of attendance + observation checklist. The supervisors would like to assess competency against each behaviour. Any advise which module to you. I tried OJT and Checklist, they are bit clunky.
Totara Learn Open Discussions
Practical Assessments
Hi Vijay
Totara Perform has tools available for bulk rating competencies and reporting on these
Rating of competencies can also be added to performance activities
There are also some free courses on the Totara Academy around using Perform
The advantage of using the inbuilt Totara features is this will reduce any uncertainty as they will continue to be developed and supported in the future.
thank you Craig for responding.
This requirement is specific to the training delivered. As you would have picked up from other forum posts, some training will require practical assessment and observations, which are ticked off by the supervisor/ team environment.
I am interested a solution to address that using any of our existing plugins/features.