Totara Learn Open Discussions

auto enrolment and history

Laurent Virgos
auto enrolment and history
بواسطة Thursday, 21 July 2022, 10:08 PM - Laurent Virgos


I guess the subject has been discussed but I can't find any trace of it in the forum.
I would like to know if the training history is kept for a learner who has self-registered for a course and then unregistered some time later.

thank you

Sue Blake
Re: auto enrolment and history
بواسطة Friday, 22 July 2022, 12:24 AM - Sue Blake
مجموعة Good learner 2023مجموعة Most Helpful Contributor 2022مجموعة Most helpful contributor 2023مجموعة TXP Site Administrator

Hi Laurent,

In my experience with our system, if they have completed the course and then later unenroll, the completion will still show in their record of learning.


Craig Eves
Re: auto enrolment and history
بواسطة Sunday, 24 July 2022, 3:48 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Sue

The enrolment in a course creates a course completion record for the user and if they are unenrolled the completion record is kept for the user in their Record of Learning as the ROL purpose is to show all transactions in the users completion record. 

It is possible to delete a completion record with the course completion editor if required.


Sue Blake
Re: auto enrolment and history
بواسطة Wednesday, 3 August 2022, 3:10 AM - Sue Blake
مجموعة Good learner 2023مجموعة Most Helpful Contributor 2022مجموعة Most helpful contributor 2023مجموعة TXP Site Administrator

Hi Craig, can I ask a further question around this?  

We have had some instances this week where learners have unenrolled from courses but they are still appearing as active (though 0% complete) on their record of learning and reports.

We have used the Completion Editor section to edit course completion and selected Delete the Current course complete record, which works but it relies on us being informed by the learner it is still on their record of learning or spotting them on a report.

Is there an automated solution to this problem?  Or can a report showing unenrollments be created so we know which learners need their course completion info edited?

This is a big issue for us if the training is mandatory, by it still appearing on their record of learning and reports (even after they unenroll) they are appearing as non-compliant and will be reported to senior management as so.


Nathan Harris
Re: auto enrolment and history
بواسطة Wednesday, 3 August 2022, 3:59 PM - Nathan Harris

Hi Sue,

Not sure if this covers your scenario.

We found if learners had a status of "In Progress" then the course stayed on their record of learning even after unenrolling.

Their is a tick box under Course administration>Edit settings>Completion tracking called "mark as In Progress on first view.  We found out the default for this is 'ticked' and when it is 'ticked' a learner will be marked as "In Progress" as soon as they view the course page.

We untick this option when creating a course and as long as learners don't interact with any course activities i.e. just look at the course page then when they unenroll the course will be removed from their record.  If they interact with any activities then they will be marked as "In Progress"

Hope this helps.



Sue Blake
Re: auto enrolment and history
بواسطة Friday, 5 August 2022, 1:51 AM - Sue Blake
مجموعة Good learner 2023مجموعة Most Helpful Contributor 2022مجموعة Most helpful contributor 2023مجموعة TXP Site Administrator

Hi Nathan,

Thanks for taking the time to reply.  I didn't realise that selecting 'Mark as in Progress on first view' was why this happened, thanks for pointing it out to me.  I've tested it and it works exactly as you say, and I will ensure it is not selected for these mandatory courses.   We just need to work out a way we can report on those who have already unenrolled so we can manually remove them.

Best regards
