Totara Learn Open Discussions

Recommended image size

Markus Rauscher-Riedl
Recommended image size
par Markus Rauscher-Riedl, Wednesday 3 August 2022, 05:11


I could not find any documentation in totara help about recommended image sizes, resolutions for course thumbnails, full width banners in featured links, featured link icons, ...
Where can I get this information?


Craig Eves
Re: Recommended image size
par Craig Eves (Totara Support), Wednesday 3 August 2022, 15:51
Groupe Totara

Hi Markus

there is some general advice on course images that applies to other areas where square images are used such as catalogue programs etc

  • Course images will be automatically resized so use a square image and be aware that it's likely to be cropped vertically or horizontally on different pages.
  • Use web-optimised files such as .svg .png or .jpg. This will help ensure better page loading times and efficient mobile data usage for any mobile user.
  • Avoid adding text or use no more than three words and consider how readable it will be when scaled down.
  • Avoid heavy files and instead look for the right balance between image quality and file size, e.g. 400 x 400 pixel image, under 50kb in size.

Beatriz Hermida
Re: Recommended image size
par Beatriz Hermida, Thursday 4 August 2022, 01:09
Groupe Totara

Hi Markus

As Craig mentioned, we only have general advice on the course images, but I will share with you the image dimensions we work with in the Totara Community:

  • Full-width banners: desktop version is 1650x188 px and mobile is 600x177 px - Note we use a HTML block for all our full-width banners.
  • Catalogue images are 834x334
  • We use two dimensions for the featured links blocks tiles: 
  1. For square shape: 500x500 px
  2. and landscape: 500x375 px
  • Workspace image 426 x 477 px 
  • Default resource image 428x228 px 
  • Totara Engage resources image preview 700 x 320 px

I hope it helps.


Karen Stromski
Re: Recommended image size
par Karen Stromski, Thursday 4 August 2022, 02:12

Hi Beatriz

That's really useful - thank you. 

The problem I have is converting a "normal size" image to a full-width banner as it just skews the picture. I don't suppose you have any tips / advice on how to do this do you please? :-)


Beatriz Hermida
Re: Recommended image size
par Beatriz Hermida, Thursday 4 August 2022, 03:28
Groupe Totara

Hi Karen

It's a bit difficult to share any tips if I don't understand the context around the issue.

  • So you have an image that you used elsewhere and now you want to use it in a full-width banner, but when placing the image it gets skews. (please, correct me if I'm wrong).
  • Could you please share the dimensions of that "normal size" image? Probably the image dimensions (width) are not big enough for a full-width banner.
  • Are you using a featured link block component (with the full-width tile shape)? The image will be set based on the tile shape chosen.
  • What software are you using to modify or convert the image size, if you are using any? (Photoshop, Canva,...)
As I mentioned before, we don't use featured link blocks for our header banners in the Community, we use HTML blocks instead. 

Probably this is a topic we can add some guidance on, and include in our documentation in Totara Help.



Karen Stromski
Re: Recommended image size
par Karen Stromski, Thursday 11 August 2022, 00:36

Hi Beatriz

Sorry for the delay replying. I've managed to sort it now using Canva. However, it would be really helpful to have some guidance on using images in Totara Help. 



Rachel Griffith-Boyes
Re: Recommended image size
par Rachel Griffith-Boyes, Thursday 11 August 2022, 01:48
Groupe Totara

Thanks Karen - I'm glad you've been able to address your immediate issue here.

Just to let you know, we've started work on improving our Help documentation in this area, so this should be coming soon :) We'll post here when the improved documentation is available.

Djamileh Aminian
Re: Recommended image size
par Djamileh Aminian, Wednesday 17 August 2022, 00:47
Groupe 2022 Learner of the Year (Bronze)Groupe TXP Site Administrator

Hi Rachel,

Since you're updating the Help, could you please add recommandations on video size as well ?

I know that the best option is streaming, but a lot of our clients have heavy security issues that prevent them from using external service like Youtube.

What would be good practise ? internal server? and if not, what video size, etc.



Rachel Griffith-Boyes
Re: Recommended image size
par Rachel Griffith-Boyes, Wednesday 17 August 2022, 05:00
Groupe Totara

Hi Djamileh - absolutely, it's on the list :)

Djamileh Aminian
Re: Recommended image size
par Djamileh Aminian, Wednesday 17 August 2022, 06:36
Groupe 2022 Learner of the Year (Bronze)Groupe TXP Site Administrator

Thanks !

Sorry for asking twice, I already forgot Jordan said it would be on the list ! ^^'

Liam Tanner
Re: Recommended image size
par Liam Tanner, Thursday 22 September 2022, 06:08
Groupe Totara

Hi Karen, you can see our guidance on using media in Totara here:

Hope this helps!

Markus Rauscher-Riedl
Re: Recommended image size
par Markus Rauscher-Riedl, Wednesday 17 August 2022, 01:41

Very helpful, thanks!

Liam Tanner
Re: Recommended image size
par Liam Tanner, Thursday 22 September 2022, 06:06
Groupe Totara

Hi Markus, we've just published an article on our help site providing guidance on using images and videos in Totara:

Hope this helps! Please let us know if there's anything else you'd like to see in these types of articles.

Cédric Donzé Donzé
Re: Recommended image size
par Cédric Donzé Donzé, Monday 28 November 2022, 03:12

Thanks Liam for this article,

i found quite complicated and not really user friendly and so optimal the way the image are set in Totara.

Since image content is a big part of the design and attractivity of a platform could Totara not invest in developping /integrating a croping/ resizing tool?

This is something users are used to work with examples: facebook , instagramm or whats ap (exemple group or individual profile)

The current procedure to add picture is really complex, and not satisfaying at all. It does not provide the user/ and the learning contributor a great experience. There is also no indication of these size  recommendations  when uploading the picture

Many thanks for your feedback



Bryn Whyman
Re: Recommended image size
par Bryn Whyman, Monday 28 November 2022, 14:13
Groupe Totara

Hello Cédric

I just wanted to check if you have seen the recent enhancements in the version 17 release for the Weka editor? For most sites, this might not be the default editor set, but it is the one that we are continuing to invest new features into.

As part of the 17 release, new features are available to choose different image preset sizes, noted for the Weka editor here:

As you point out, there is not yet an option to crop or drag-and-resize an image in the editor, however that is a feature we have backlogged and will aim to introduce in a future release.

Hope this helps for now, 
