Totara Learn Open Discussions

Recommended image size

Bryn Whyman
Re: Recommended image size
by Bryn Whyman - Monday, 28 November 2022, 2:13 PM
Group Totara

Hello Cédric

I just wanted to check if you have seen the recent enhancements in the version 17 release for the Weka editor? For most sites, this might not be the default editor set, but it is the one that we are continuing to invest new features into.

As part of the 17 release, new features are available to choose different image preset sizes, noted for the Weka editor here:

As you point out, there is not yet an option to crop or drag-and-resize an image in the editor, however that is a feature we have backlogged and will aim to introduce in a future release.

Hope this helps for now, 
