Totara Learn Open Discussions

Editing existing program

Rebecca Eastwood
Editing existing program
door Rebecca Eastwood - Wednesday, 17 August 2022, 07:32 AM
Looking for some advice, what would be the best way to tackle this problem?

I've got an existing programme that requires that one course be substituted for another, but only not everyone in the audience is required to complete this now. The others that have previously completed this program will need to do a refresher training course that isn't part of this program.

But to stop people sitting that first piece, would it be easier to set the new course completion criteria of the new course in the program to be the same as the one for the refresher so it completes that course?

Then to create a certification for 1 year based on a set of courses.

Is this the best way to tackle this?

Any further suggestions would be great!



Craig Eves
Re: Editing existing program
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 28 August 2022, 19:29 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Rebecca

I am not sure what you are meaning by - set the new course completion criteria of the new course in the program to be the same as the one for the refresher so it completes that course 

The two course would have different activities  so the activities on the new course would need to be completed to complete the new course - unless the course completion relies on some criteria outside of completing activities.

If the program is completed with the old course then it will remain completed even if a new course is added to the program.

Does the refresher course need to be completed on a regular basis - if so then a certification with this course in the recertification path

If the refresher course isn't required to be done regularly then you could enrol learners through audience on the refresher course with audience rule of having completed the original course.

Another program can be created that requires either the refresher course or the new course to be completed to complete the program


Rebecca Eastwood
Re: Editing existing program
door Rebecca Eastwood - Thursday, 1 September 2022, 06:48 AM

Hi Craig,

This sounds like something I could possibly use. 

I'm introducing a number of new courses so may just put a hold on this until those courses are ready - i'm going to sandbox some solutions, but it feels like a combination of program certifications and recertifications...

Kind regards


Paul Lowndes
Re: Editing existing program
door Paul Lowndes - Wednesday, 31 August 2022, 05:21 AM
Groep Most Helpful Contributor 2021

Hi Rebecca

We have a similar scenario but as Craig says the way Programs work is that once completed the status does not change even when you edit courses (add, remove, change status).

We have a number of courses contained within a programme some of which only need to be taken once, some which have to be re-taken every year or 2 years. 

We use certifications to manage the retake process but from an admin perspective we are left with the issue that our programme reports continue to show the programme is 100% complete when in reality one or more of the courses needs to be retaken.

To get around this we use the report source:  Program Overview which lists the status of all the courses contained in the programme. 

So if a course listed in the programme changes status from completed to not completed (ie learner has to retake a course after 1 year via a certifcation and the previous completion data is reset) we can still see  which courses that are impacted within the programme report and monitor progress.

In this scenario the programme status is 100% completed but some of the courses will show as not complete until the course is retaken.

We then use a certification report to track compliance of these courses.

It's a bit of a hack but works for us

I hope this helps.



Rebecca Eastwood
Re: Editing existing program
door Rebecca Eastwood - Thursday, 1 September 2022, 02:00 AM
Thanks for the tip. 

I'm working on this today so i'll give this a go. 

Kind regards
