Totara Learn Open Discussions

Messaging group members

Coby Rodwell
Messaging group members
door Coby Rodwell - Thursday, 18 August 2022, 16:43 PM

Hi all,

I have a T16 UAT site so in the process of redefining some of our existing T12 processes.  

One change we are trying to make is moving seminars from an external system into Totara.  This is for a large workforce (up to 120k) across a handful of identical seminars (roughly10), roughly 3000k sessions, geographically dispersed locations (all across Australia) and within a short amount of time (less than 2 months).  

To limit users from selecting a geographically inappropriate location, users will be separates into groups for their local area, about 150 groups.  

Users will be enrolled in one of the 10 courses then have to register themselves to one of the sessions.  This is where my problem lies: at the time the user is enrolled, there may not be sessions created by their local area team for them to enrol in.  Is there a way for a Trainer to message just group participants so they can notify those users when they create sessions?  Or to notify them that new sessions have been created?

The users will have an eLearning program to complete in addition to their attendance at a seminar which will be assigned at the same time as the seminar course.

I would appreciate any and all feedback on this not so small task I am trying to achieve!

Craig Eves
Re: Messaging group members
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 18 August 2022, 20:59 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Coby

If the course has separate groups enabled - the trainer in the group can go to participants and they will only see members of their group. They can select all and send message.

I was also looking at using a seminar notification such as session date change which would trigger a notification to booked users if the session time is changed. Put in a dummy time until the session is confirmed and cancel if not and cancellation notification can be used,

Another notification that could be used is the event under minimum number with a cut off date 


Coby Rodwell
Re: Messaging group members
door Coby Rodwell - Thursday, 18 August 2022, 22:16 PM

Hi Craig,

Thank you.  I had missed setting up separate groups for my course so that is exactly what I am after.

It has also made other sections of the course clearer too.  Much appreciated.

Kind regards,
