Totara Learn Open Discussions

Course Templates

Course Templates
WhitfordAnnika 发表于 2022年08月24日 Wednesday 00:30

Good Morning, 

I want to try and create consistency on my LMS site by having standardised sections in all our courses, for example:

  • Introduction
  • Course Aims and Objectives
  • Assessment
  • Learning Modules
  • Test Yourself
  • Formal Assessment
  • Feedback

I have set up a 'dummy' course as an example, does anyone know if there's a way to automatically create these sections every time a new course is created? Or if I could duplicate the dummy course rather than creating a new course, and just amend the text??


Re: Course Templates
HensonMeredith 发表于 2022年08月24日 Wednesday 02:19
小组 Totara

Hi Annika,

Course templates and creating consistency for your learners are a great idea.  You can backup and restore your dummy/template course to create a new course based on the structure you've set.  For more information please see and

You can also copy across specific items from your template course to a new course using the Import functionality -

When I've created template courses in the past, I've included hidden labels on the course front page to offer instructions/advice to course creators/trainers using that template.  They can delete these as required, but it can help with building that consistent learner experience.

Another thing you might consider is working through all the course activity and resource default settings so whenever a new activity is added to a course it has, by default, the settings/options you use most often.


Re: Course Templates
SeiffertSimon 发表于 2022年08月24日 Wednesday 17:52
小组 Most Helpful Contributor 2022小组 Most helpful contributor 2023小组 TXP Site Administrator

Hi Annika,

Check-out the Moodle Plugin: Course Templates (

We use this on our Totara site, and it works well! I also include hidden labels as instructions for designers, which they can re-purpose as learner instructions.