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Delegation to direct report

Djamileh Aminian
Delegation to direct report
di Djamileh Aminian - Wednesday, 24 August 2022, 02:34
Gruppo 2022 Learner of the Year (Bronze)Gruppo PartnersGruppo TXP Site Administrator


Two of our clients wants executive assistants to access and view the exact same dashboard as their managers, so that tasks can be delegated (e.g. same permissions on the platform to view completion and accept seminar booking).

Reports on the Manager dashboard are filtered (in the content tab) to display direct reports, so we were stuck.

We made some tests using the "temporary manager" field in the job assignment, but that means that our clients would have to:

(1) change the csv export from their HR system used to synchronize users, hierarchies and JA, with an information that is not in the system

(2) do it manually in Totara, but we're talking 100+ users

Did anyone manage to have executive assistant see their director's dashboard with a more simple process ?



Re: Delegation to direct report
di George Angus - Wednesday, 24 August 2022, 21:02
Gruppo Totara

Hi Djamileh,

If you have set a content control based on the user's role then I think thats a tough one to get around. 

What you may want to look at is to restrict access to the report based on roles instead (you can use custom roles here), and then put a filter on the report to limit the content - maybe user's manager. 

Do the managers have system roles?



Djamileh Aminian
Re: Delegation to direct report
di Djamileh Aminian - Wednesday, 24 August 2022, 22:49
Gruppo 2022 Learner of the Year (Bronze)Gruppo PartnersGruppo TXP Site Administrator

Hello Georges,

Yes, managers have the Staff Manager system role.

I probably did not understand your answer : how to restrict on the user's manager in the content tab ?

If manager A sees their direct reports and I want their executive assistant to see the exact same team, how can I use the content and/or access filters to display the same role ? We thought of trying organisation, but we cannot filtrer in a similar way as just choosing "direct reports".

Hope I'm clear!



Re: Delegation to direct report
di George Angus - Thursday, 25 August 2022, 19:38
Gruppo Totara

Hi Djamileh,

This was my reasoning: 

Either you give the exec. assistants the same role to view the same report, or you use a different report and set access controls & filters instead of role-based content.

But on reflection you could just create a report which has the same data but doesnt have the same content restriction.

I think one way to do this would be to create an audience of all users who have direct reports. You can then filter a report by that audience, and then filter again by the director's organisation - you've captured the direct reports. Then its a question of ensuring the exec. assistant sees the same data, this would probably depend how you've set up the management structure ie if there is more than one assistant for each director.

Its a bit of a hack but it would probably work (I advise testing!)



Djamileh Aminian
Re: Delegation to direct report
di Djamileh Aminian - Sunday, 28 August 2022, 23:10
Gruppo 2022 Learner of the Year (Bronze)Gruppo PartnersGruppo TXP Site Administrator

Hello Georges,

It seems like a good solution, we'll do some testing this week.

Thank you for your help,
