Totara Learn Open Discussions

Newly Created Courses not showing in Catalog v12

Peter Rondel
Newly Created Courses not showing in Catalog v12
door Peter Rondel - Friday, 16 September 2022, 04:23 AM
Groep Partners

Hi All,

We have been having reports of newly created courses not appearing in the Course catalog, even when all of the visibility settings are correctly set.

Any thoughts on why this is happening, and how to fix it would be greatly appreciated.


Peter - Teaching4business

Jordan Ash
Re: Newly Created Courses not showing in Catalog v12
door Jordan Ash - Tuesday, 20 September 2022, 09:39 AM
Groep TotaraGroep TXP Site Administrator
Hi Peter,

Are there be any filters being applied to the course catalogue which might be excluding the courses?