Totara Learn Open Discussions

Archiving practice - how to retain access to all completion data?

Paul Tottle
Archiving practice - how to retain access to all completion data?
על ידי Paul Tottle בתאריך 21/09/2022, 20:00


We've found our current practice is not working in all situations.

Archiving practice:

  • Make course 'Not visible' in course settings
  • Move to Archive folder

Problem: completion status/dates for seminar sessions within a course page are not available in My Past Bookings unless the course page is visible. 

For courses where staff can do multiple seminar sessions over the life of the course they access the details in My Past Bookings. As soon as we archive, their access to this is gone (and so is admin's access). Only by making that course visible again can we access that data in a report.

This is particularly problematic at the moment due to covid, staff need to go further back in time to prove they are meeting their training goals.

Any reflections or solutions are welcome.

Thank you,


Neil Hellewell
Re: Archiving practice - how to retain access to all completion data?
על ידי Neil Hellewell בתאריך 21/09/2022, 20:43

Kia Ora Paul.

You could build a custom report that lists seminar sessions. This report should display hidden courses from memory.

You would just select the report to only display the users records, and then add it to their dashboard - or to the Main Menu as a link.

If you like I could mock up something in our healthLearn test site for you to have a look at

Ma te wa

Nurse Educator/Educational Technologist | Te Whatu Ora
Waitaha | Canterbury 

Paul Tottle
Re: Archiving practice - how to retain access to all completion data?
על ידי Paul Tottle בתאריך 21/09/2022, 22:21

Thank you for your reply, Neil.

I can see the seminar sessions now in my report. I'd like to get it so learners can see it in their Past Bookings (based on the Seminar Session report). Currently they can't see the completions when the course is set to 'Not Visible'. As soon as I change the status of the course, the seminar sessions are listed.

If you can get it so it shows seminar completions to non-admin, then the problem could be with our setup?