Totara Learn Open Discussions

Unenrol from Course confused with Cancel Booking

Sue Blake
Unenrol from Course confused with Cancel Booking
על ידי Sue Blake בתאריך 7/10/2022, 09:04
קבוצה Good learner 2023קבוצה Most Helpful Contributor 2022קבוצה Most helpful contributor 2023קבוצה TXP Site Administratorקבוצה V18 Program Complete

We have an issue that keeps happening and I wonder if anyone else experiences the same problem and if anyone has any suggestions on how to improve the situation.  The scenario is:

  • An employee can no longer attend the Seminar Activity that is part of a course they have signed up for.  They visit the course page and select un-enrol.  
  • After the seminar, we record them as a no-show, but when contacting them they say they did unenroll, obviously they have failed to cancel their booking thinking unenrolling is the only thing they have to do.

I have added some extra information in the booking confirmation notification (and the reminder) explaining they need to cancel their booking not unenroll but wonder if there might be something else I can do.  

This happening is very frustrating especially if we have a waiting list for the course.



Craig Eves
Re: Unenrol from Course confused with Cancel Booking
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 9/10/2022, 16:13
קבוצה Totara

Hi Sue

It is possible to change the permission of the learner role for various enrolment methods so the Unenrol self from course permission is not allowed.

You can do this for all course by editing the learner role or within selected courses/categories by going to Course admin > Users > Permissions and deleting the role from the' Unenrol self from course' enrolment methods for the enrolment methods used in the course.


Larry Mitipelo
Re: Unenrol from Course confused with Cancel Booking
על ידי Larry Mitipelo בתאריך 13/10/2022, 20:51
קבוצה Most Helpful Contributor 2021קבוצה Most Helpful Contributor 2022קבוצה Most helpful contributor 2023

Hi Sue,

You were part of this post, enrolment confusion, where we discuss the same issue back in 2020

We did investigate changing the term, enrolment, in the language pack to an alternative, e.g. tracking, but we never committed to it.

