Totara Learn Open Discussions

Changing a Certification from 1 year to 3 years

Luke Baker
Changing a Certification from 1 year to 3 years
על ידי Luke Baker בתאריך 11/11/2022, 04:46

Hi All,

This is straightforward in terms of updating for all those that are current. But what about those that have recently expired? How do I update over 1750 expired staff certifications?
for example: Joe Bloggs has currently expired with a date of 01-Nov-22 but the new certification would mean they would be certified until 10-Nov-24 but their status is 'renewal expired' how can I update these staff members?


Larry Mitipelo
Re: Changing a Certification from 1 year to 3 years
על ידי Larry Mitipelo בתאריך 13/11/2022, 11:05
קבוצה Most Helpful Contributor 2021קבוצה Most Helpful Contributor 2022קבוצה Most helpful contributor 2023

Hi Luke,

Unless you want to update them manually (which you don't), I'd say creating a new page and loading new completion dates for the cert to pick up.

That would be my suggestion.
