I'm new to Totara Learn and thus HR Import. A couple of things aren't intuitively obvious under User - CSV source settings and I can't find such details in any of the training. Any help in explaining how they work would be most appreciated!
- How does one change the fields listed at the top of the page under, "The current config requires a CSV file with the following structure:"? There doesn't seem to be a way to add/delete/modify any of the fields listed there but it can obviously be done.
- How is it that the fields listed as "...requires a CSV file with the following structure" do not have a 1-to-1 correspondence with fields listed elsewhere on the page, e.g. "Fields to import" or "Field mappings"? How does HR Import know what to do with such fields that aren't explicitly specified in either of those two sections? We have some whose names start with "customfield_" that are not referenced anywhere else, and I don't see how HR Import knows what to do with them, but it does.
- How does one know when a Field Mapping needs to be specified? We have some where the mapping is named the same as the field (e.g. for field "password", the mapping is to "password", which doesn't seem like it would be needed but it was for some reason).
Thank you for any help!