Totara Learn Open Discussions

Import enrolments into a course

Christine Watt
Import enrolments into a course
by Christine Watt - Tuesday, 6 December 2022, 2:32 PM

I'd like to learn how to import using a csv file users into a course.

Simon Seiffert
Re: Import enrolments into a course
by Simon Seiffert - Tuesday, 6 December 2022, 5:15 PM
Group Helpful contributor 2024Group Most Helpful Contributor 2022Group Most helpful contributor 2023Group TXP Site Administrator

Hi Christine,

We use the local_mass_enroll plugin to achieve this ( - it's in the Moodle Plug-ins Directory, but it's an older version. This works well with our Totara v14 site - and does both enrolments and unenrolments from a flat file, using either ID number, username or email!

See how you go with that!


Christine Watt
Re: Import enrolments into a course
by Christine Watt - Tuesday, 6 December 2022, 6:07 PM

Thanks Simon.

Do you need a plugin?  I thought you could enrol a group of users by csv file import to enrol them into a course.  I needed steps how to do this.

Simon Seiffert
Re: Import enrolments into a course
by Simon Seiffert - Thursday, 8 December 2022, 3:00 PM
Group Helpful contributor 2024Group Most Helpful Contributor 2022Group Most helpful contributor 2023Group TXP Site Administrator

The plug-in enables Teachers/Trainers to do it at course level.

You can use the User Import feature to enrol people into courses: Upload users explained - Authentication methods (

If you include course1, course2, etc with the course short-name, it will enrol users into those courses, but only admins can action this.

There's a bit more info in the Moodle help docs: Upload users - MoodleDocs