Hello Totara Learn Brains Trust,
I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction. Like many organisations, we have a number of mandatory trainings that needs to be recompleted annually or biannually. I have spent quite some time reviewing the best way to automate reoccurring / refresher courses and still feel like I haven't found the answer.
We started by looking at certifications but found this was not appropriate as completion data would be deleted upon recertification. This data of course is important to have on hand for auditing purposes. I would also like Managers to be able to view that their staff have completed the training initially and are now due for a refresher as opposed to having completion data for their staff disappear.
I then looked at reoccurring course programs. However, discovered the course recompletion date is tied to the course creation date as opposed to when the user completed the course. As we have staff joining the organisation on a rolling basis, the concern here is the reoccurring program re-enrols staff into a course they may have just completed a few months ago. Since reoccurring programs duplicate the course, my other concern here is managing multiple duplicates of an annual course would become very logistically challenging both for adminstatrators and managers in a few years.
How have your teams managed reoccurring/refresher course requirements? We have a very small team and are really looking to automate where we can.
I have reviewed the Totara Learn Academy course on Programs and Certifications a year or so ago. Is there any other best practice guidelines/documentation on managing reoccurring courses? We are currently using version 16.
Thank you in advance for your comments and suggestions.