Totara Learn Open Discussions

Course completion - User has to complete any 2 of 3 activities

Naif Jumaily
Course completion - User has to complete any 2 of 3 activities
על ידי Naif Jumaily בתאריך 1/02/2023, 06:55


I am trying to see if there is a better and easier way to be able to set up a course so that it is marked as complete when for example you attend 2 out of 3 seminars. My current solution is to edit the gradebook and set the activities maximum grade to 100 divided by number of activities then fiddling around with the multiplicator etc. and then the course grade to pass is calculated by number of activities i need them to pass, e.g. if i had 4 activities and they need to attend any 2 then set the max grade for each activity as 25 then grade to pass course as 50. The problem lies where attendance is not marked on the day the session happens, this then means that your completion date is calculated when you achieve the grade and not when you attended the last session. Anyone got round this or is this an enhancement to the completion conditions.

Apologies if this has already been posted.

