Totara Learn Open Discussions

.HEIC images don't display in Totara Learn in OJT Plugin

Dale Dunnett
.HEIC images don't display in Totara Learn in OJT Plugin
بواسطة Tuesday, 21 February 2023, 12:47 PM - Dale Dunnett
مجموعة Learn Site Administrator

We currently use OJT plugin to gather On job evidence in Totara Learn for both photo and video.

Issue is any users submitting work from an Apple phone uses >HEIC format by default which isnt recognised or displayed by Totara Learn.

Apple phones make up a huge percentage of our users devices.

Our current work around is using a third party online site or downloadable software which allows assessors to convert and atleast view the image for the purpose of assessing.

Totara Learn shows the apple format images as a broken file placeholder.

Does any have experience with a solution that will allow learners to upload .HEIC format photos and have a thumbnail and viewable image show within Totara Learn?

Testing has ruled out Browser with same browser displaying the images fine from SharePoint just not Totara Learn.

Any help appreciated.


Thank you
