Totara Learn Open Discussions

Repeating Program instead of Certification

Paul Roberts
Repeating Program instead of Certification
di Paul Roberts - Wednesday, 8 March 2023, 02:01

Hi all

I'm just after some advice on whether anyone has used a 'Repeating Program' rather than a 'Certification' to record a rolling course. I have a large group of learners that we need to have on a 2 year set of repeating courses, the completion of which needs to be reported on to review completion based on course. The opportunity to complete the course needs to be on a fixed date, but the schedule can be at any point as long as all courses are completed within a 2 year cycle for the individual.

My first thought is that Certification is best for this, but the window of opportunity needs to be open throughout the period, also reporting on Certification doesn't seem to be able to show it broken down by course like a program can be.

I hope that makes sense

Thanks, best regards

Craig Eves
Re: Repeating Program instead of Certification
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 9 March 2023, 18:54
Gruppo Totara

Hi Paul

The recurring course program only allows one course to be created so probably not suitable for you - there are also some other limitations so we recommend using Certifications.

The opportunity to complete the course needs to be on a fixed date, but the schedule can be at any point as long as all courses are completed within a 2 year cycle for the individual.

This sounds like you should use the recertfiaction setting Use certification completion date  which means this can be completed before the expiry date and the recertifaction will be based on when this was completed plus the 2 years which is the Certification is active for setting.

Thereis a report Certification Overview that shows the certification and progress of courses in the certification similar to the program Overview report.

