Totara Learn Open Discussions

Seminars - & Assignments submission, easy sort for users completion??

Seminars - & Assignments submission, easy sort for users completion??
BowenFiona 发表于 2023年03月8日 Wednesday 13:19

Hi there,

We are using V12 of Totara, and have courses that have seminars and assignment activities.  We're wondering if there's a way the assignment activity submission can be sorted so that cohorts from various seminars can be filtered aiding Trainers/Editing Trainers being able to mark their seminar cohorts work easily?  At the moment they are required to find the individual amongst all submitted assignments.

Look forward to hearing your thoughts.



Craig Eves
Re: Seminars - & Assignments submission, easy sort for users completion??
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2023年03月9日 Thursday 13:14
小组 Totara

Hi Fiona

If you enable groups for the assignment activity and create separate groups for each cohort with the trainer role assigned to the group then the trainer will only see members of their group they are a member of when grading users.

Note it is possible to add members to groups based on audiences using audience sync,

You will also need to check the permission for the trainer role Access all groups is set to prevent and edit the role if not


Re: Seminars - & Assignments submission, easy sort for users completion??
BowenFiona 发表于 2023年03月14日 Tuesday 17:36

Thanks so much for this Craig - I'll give this a go.  Can you add more than one Trainer/Editing Trainer to the group?

Kind regards,


Craig Eves
Re: Seminars - & Assignments submission, easy sort for users completion??
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2023年03月14日 Tuesday 19:48
小组 Totara

Hi Fiona

Yes you can add more than one trainer to a group - you can select the role in the audience sync instance 
