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Seminar sign-up restriction with manager approval workflow

Djamileh Aminian
Seminar sign-up restriction with manager approval workflow
بواسطة Monday, 3 April 2023, 6:31 AM - Djamileh Aminian
مجموعة 2022 Learner of the Year (Bronze)مجموعة Partnersمجموعة TXP Site Administrator

Hello everyone,

Has anyone restrict the seminar sign-up workflow to take into account the number of booking pending manager approval ?

Our understanding of the native behaviour :

A user signs up for the seminar. A request for approval is sent to the manager. As the status of the request is not "booked", this user is not taken into account in the calculation of available seats. Thus, if a manager waits 4 days before validating the request, many other users may still sign-up.

Our customers need :

Restrict the possibility to sign-up if requests are pending manager approval.

We will develop a home-made plugin if need be, but just curious if other people have managed to do this without customisation or with an existing plugin.



Craig Eves
Re: Seminar sign-up restriction with manager approval workflow
بواسطة Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 8:55 PM - Craig Eves (Totara Support)
مجموعة Totara

Hi Djamileh

Would the reserve spaces for team work for you - the number of spaces allowed to be reserved by the manager can be set and then the spaces allocated 


Djamileh Aminian
Re: Seminar sign-up restriction with manager approval workflow
بواسطة Wednesday, 5 April 2023, 11:34 PM - Djamileh Aminian
مجموعة 2022 Learner of the Year (Bronze)مجموعة Partnersمجموعة TXP Site Administrator

Hi Craig,

Thank you for your reply.

This does not work with the client's setup, it's not linked with teams spaces.

We'll switch to a custom dev.

