I would like some clarification on some functionality for one of our customers.
They have a Partner role which has the permission to add users to seminar events with the permission [mod/facetoface:addattendees].
When Partners view the list of users who are able to be added, they can see all participants within their tenant. This causes an issue as sometimes participants are accidentally added to events for a course they are not enrolled on. This means the participant is manually enrolled on the relevant course in error. The Partners should not be able to enrol users to courses and do not have the permission [enrol/manual:enrol].
Partners also add users via the file upload option, which again will enrol participants who are not already enrolled on the course.
Is this behaviour intended, where users are available to be added to an event of a course they are not enrolled onto, and is there a permission that I am missing that will restrict a user's ability to only add participants to an event for a course they are already enrolled on?