Totara Learn Open Discussions

Learning pathway for dashboards, ...add certification? API?

santi lm
Learning pathway for dashboards, ...add certification? API?
door santi lm - Monday, 24 April 2023, 15:49 PM

I have developed a comprehensive Learning Pathway that effectively displays the progress and completion status of various courses for users within a dashboard. This solution is constructed using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, allowing for complete customization including modifications to colors, shapes, and images.

The Learning Pathway showcases four distinct progress statuses:

Completed (indicated by a green circle)

In Progress (represented by an orange circle)

Not Started (denoted by a pink circle)

Not Enrolled (marked with a gray circle)


For the curse pathway I am using an External services with the function core_completion_get_course_completion_status

now i want to do something similar with certifications

Is there an existing function or API that would help me create this?
or do I have to create my own API?

Craig Eves
Re: Learning pathway for dashboards, ...add certification? API?
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 27 April 2023, 16:52 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Gaspar

We do not recommend using the legacy web services API where the function  core_completion_get_course_completion_status is included 

There is some documentation on using the recommended External GraphGL API and existing documentation 
