Totara Learn Open Discussions

Google Meet integration

Danny Lambrechts
Google Meet integration
על ידי Danny Lambrechts בתאריך 4/05/2023, 03:50


Microsoft Teams and Zoom have integrations in Totara. What about Google Meet? Google Workplace with applications like GMail, Google Drive and indeed Google Meet is a Worldwide used platform used by millions of users, private and enterprises. Is this on the roadmap?

Best regards,


Re: Google Meet integration
על ידי George Angus בתאריך 7/05/2023, 16:58
קבוצה Totara

Hi Danny,

This is something our Integrations team will definitely be looking at as part of our Discovery Program, that is 'Identify high-impact improvements to External Content'. I couldn't give any dates as yet but we are very much aware of how significant this functionality is for our customers.



Grant Pritchard
Re: Google Meet integration
על ידי Grant Pritchard בתאריך 9/05/2023, 17:22

Hi Danny

Thank you for your sharing your interest in a Google Meet integraiton which is not on our Product Roadmap.  


Danny Lambrechts
Re: Google Meet integration
על ידי Danny Lambrechts בתאריך 11/05/2023, 01:23

Hello Grant,

So if I understand well, despite the fact that George indicated "This is something our Integrations team will definitely be looking at as part of our Discovery Program", this integration is not on the roadmap?


Danny Lambrechts
Centrale Informatica Dienst
T +32(0)11 26 81 87 - GSM +32(0)494 53 53 71
Universiteit Hasselt - Campus Diepenbeek
Agoralaan, gebouw D - B-3590 Diepenbeek
Kantoor C19

Grant Pritchard
Re: Google Meet integration
על ידי Grant Pritchard בתאריך 11/05/2023, 16:05

Sorry for the confusion Danny. That's right, this integration is not on our road-map. George incorrectly assumed your request related to discovery on external third party course content.