Totara Learn Open Discussions

Seminar notifications: trainer vs facilitator

Monica Hansen
Seminar notifications: trainer vs facilitator
by Monica Hansen - Wednesday, 10 May 2023, 5:50 AM


I recently came across the Seminar notification triggers ( article and was wondering what exactly is the difference between Facilitator and Trainer roles.

Some of the triggers seem to be quite similar and their definitions as well:

-Facilitator assigned/ Trainer assigned (Notifications can be triggered to send to facilitators/ trainers when they are assigned to a seminar event.)

- Facilitator sessions details changed/ Trainer sessions details changed (Notifications can be triggered to send to facilitators/ trainers or third-party email recipients when the details of their seminar sessions are updated.)

- Facilitator unassigned/ Trainer unassigned (Notifications can be triggered to send to facilitators/ trainers or third-party email recipients when the facilitator is unassigned from seminar events.).

Could you please help clarify?

Thank you!


Craig Eves
Re: Seminar notifications: trainer vs facilitator
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Wednesday, 10 May 2023, 7:01 PM
Group Totara

Hi Monica

I think the main difference is that the Trainer is a defined role that has permissions to manage a course such as view grades of all Activities

The Facilitator is not a defined role they are people who you want to access the seminar and receive notifications for admin purposes they may be external people  
