Totara Learn Open Discussions

How not to trigger notification to past learners when adding for first time

Jonathan Ryder
How not to trigger notification to past learners when adding for first time
von Jonathan Ryder – Thursday, 4 May 2023, 10:40 PM

Hi All,

I am using T15 and I am sure this has been asked before, but I could not find in search function in the forums and/or google!

Essentially since moving to T15 I would like to add a new notification to all our seminars when a user is marked as "partially completed" they receive an email encouraging them to get in touch with us to work out remediation to get a full completion. This was not available as a notification option previously, but we do have users who are sitting in this status from 3 years + of programs.

How do I add the new notification into a seminar without triggering an email to all those who didn't complete years ago? Is there any easy known workaround for this?



Craig Eves
Re: How not to trigger notification to past learners when adding for first time
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Sunday, 7 May 2023, 2:46 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Jono 

If you select Add Notification - there should be an option to send to Booked users (upcoming events) and partially attended assuming that this status has been added to the seminar attendance.

In Totara 16 seminars use centralised notification and these are called ad hoc messages


Jonathan Ryder
Re: How not to trigger notification to past learners when adding for first time
von Jonathan Ryder – Sunday, 7 May 2023, 3:35 PM

Excellent thanks for the reply Craig! I hoped it would be something simple like this