Totara Learn Open Discussions

PDF corrupting on download

Amanda Christie
PDF corrupting on download
von Amanda Christie – Monday, 8 May 2023, 4:51 AM

We have a trainer who uploads marked assessments in pdf format to the students account, and when the student tries to download the pdf, it won't open, but says the file is corrupt. This happens with various students. But if the trainer sends the pdf to the student via email, it is fine. 

Something is going on either when she converts to a pdf and uploads to Totara or when the student downloads it. But the fact that it happens with multiple students leads me to think the bug is in the trainers process. 

So when she uploads the pdf to the system, something is going wrong. 

No other trainers/users have this issue, that we are aware of.

Has anyone experienced this and found a solution?

Many thanks

Natalia Kurikova
Re: PDF corrupting on download
von Natalia Kurikova – Monday, 8 May 2023, 6:47 PM
Gruppe Most helpful contributor 2023

I haven't seen this exact behaviour, but there were issues with some student-uploaded PDF files that wouldn't open in the Annotate PDF view. We found that using Print to PDF (rather than save as PDF) meant that those files became readable for Annotate PDF plugin. So if you're suspecting a bug in the trainer's process, you could suggest she tries Printing to PDF and see what happens.