Totara Learn Open Discussions

Automatically Award a Certificate After Completing a Certification

Automatically Award a Certificate After Completing a Certification
EdwardsCarly 发表于 2023年05月15日 Monday 14:54

Is there any way to automatically award a learner a certificate after they have completed a course set in a certification? 

Re: Automatically Award a Certificate After Completing a Certification
AshJordan 发表于 2023年05月16日 Tuesday 05:41
小组 TXP Site Administrator小组 V18 Program Complete

Hi Carly,

Here is how I might accomplish this:

  1. Create a single activity course using certificate as the activity type
  2. Create a dynamic audience containing all the users who have completed the courses in your course set.
  3. Add this course to your program set
  4. Edit the course visibility settings of your certificate so it is only available to members of your dynamic audience.
  5. Edit the enrolment methods of this course and remove program enrolment as a method.

Users will then be able to see the certificate at the bottom of your course set, but won't be able to access it until they have completed all the courses, and been added to your dynamic audience.

Re: Automatically Award a Certificate After Completing a Certification
EdwardsCarly 发表于 2023年05月16日 Tuesday 09:09

Will that allow the certificate to reset for the recertification?

Re: Automatically Award a Certificate After Completing a Certification
AshJordan 发表于 2023年05月19日 Friday 02:44
小组 Totara小组 TXP Site Administrator

If you use the dynamic audience membership rule as having completed the certification, then when users are no longer certified, they will be removed from the dynamic audience and will not be able to access the certificate course.