Totara Learn Open Discussions

poss. LinkedIn learning error T15.17

harry woodward-clarke
poss. LinkedIn learning error T15.17
על ידי harry woodward-clarke בתאריך 23/05/2023, 21:39
קבוצה TXP Site Administrator

Hi there,

Hi there team,

another head scratcher.

A client/partner has reported that subsequent to being updated to Totara 15.17 (previous was T15.14) they now experience a pop-up error with the following text when accessing the LinjkedIn Learning Catalogue - /totara/contentmarketplace/explorer.php?marketplace=linkedin

System Error
An unexpected error occurred while attempting to contact server.
Technical details
Internal server error
in query "languageFilterOptions"
(contentmarketplace_linkedin_catalog_import_available_locales) used by
< Anonymous>

Path: locales.4.label

(image below)

I don't think it's a Totara error, but the reporting client-partner has just reported back that they have double-checked their settings in LIL and all appears to be "correct".

I asked some tech's on our team to check to see if they could see anything 'obvious', and came up with nothing immediately obvious.

Any thoughts on what direction I need to proceed to 'fix' this?

Kind regards,

harry @andro

Craig Eves
Re: poss. LinkedIn learning error T15.17
על ידי Craig Eves (Totara Support) בתאריך 24/05/2023, 15:19
קבוצה Totara

Hi Harry

We have a ticket to fix this that is currently having the fix tested - this will allow unknown language codes from Linked in Learning to be able to  access the Linked in Learning Catalogue. 

If you have access to the ticketing system the ticket is TL-37283.


harry woodward-clarke
Re: poss. LinkedIn learning error T15.17
על ידי harry woodward-clarke בתאריך 24/05/2023, 16:07
קבוצה TXP Site Administrator

Hi Craig,

> We have a ticket to fix this that is currently having the fix tested... TL-37283

that's great news - thank you.

I will pass that back, and hopefully it will be ready 'soon'.

I don't think I have access to the 'bug-tracker' system, but that's ok. Best to have it triaged here with your good help :)

kind regards,
