Totara Learn Open Discussions

Apply "Mark as in progress on first view" retrospectively?

Apply "Mark as in progress on first view" retrospectively?
UsherIan 发表于 2023年07月17日 Monday 07:12


We have a simple course containing a SCORM with completion, and a Questionnaire and Certificate without completion. After launch and after a few folk had accessed the course, we applied the "Mark as in progress on first view" course-level setting. However, this only seems to apply to those who accessed the course for the first time after that change was made.

Is there an elegant, client-side (i.e. no database manipulation 😲) method to apply that measure to everyone who's ever accessed the course, even if this was before the change was made?

Otherwise, they appear still to be languishing in the world of "Not yet started", which isn't a good look.

Thanks for reading...


Re: Apply "Mark as in progress on first view" retrospectively?
HellingKathrin 发表于 2024年05月24日 Friday 07:40

Hi Ian,

I wonder, if you ever found a solution to your question?

We have the same issue, but the other way arround, i.e. we plan to deactivate the "Mark in progress on first view" option, but this would not apply retroactively for existing learners.

For us, we would like to have this "Not yet started" option available again, so that learners can use it as a filter in their Record of Learning, to hide courses that they only had a look at, but planned to start later (or never).

Also, before I further look into this applying this change, I would appreciate if you - or other community members - could share your thoughts on any other disadvantage for the learners, that we might overlook?

Kind regards
