Totara Talent Experience Platform Open Discussions

Additional filters for performance appraisals.

Re: Additional filters for performance appraisals.
MundyAshley 发表于 2023年07月19日 Wednesday 14:22
小组 Totara


I'm Ashley, Product Manager at Totara. Which version of TXP are you on?
It looks like your Performance Activities overview is missing a free-form text search box, as well as a handy filter 'Exclude completed activities'. This filter allows users to hide all activities that are completed from their list, which we expect makes the list a lot more manageable. Although looking at historic release notes, this filter will only appear if you have one or more completed activities.

Which data would you like to be able to filter on? Are there filters that should apply whenever a user visits this view? I will take the feedback back to the team for our next round of improvements to performance activities.