We have a group of users who have to complete a learning syllabus annually to maintain their validation. Their validation dates are dependent on their original qualification so are different for every person.
A new course was introduced to the curriculum and all had to complete it by 22/10/2022. Depending on their validation date some had to repeat the course in 2023 to maintain their validation.
Further courses will be added to the programme which recertify the individuals but we need to control the accessibility of these depending on the user's validation date. Each course needs to be available in the 12 months preceding the user's validation date.
I am struggling to come up with a solution using programmes/certifications etc which would help me deliver this. Any suggestions would be gratefully received. An example of what is required below:
Users validating on or before 31/07/2023 - Course A
Users validating between 01/08/2023 & 31/07/2024 Course A repeat
Users revalidating between 01/08/2024 & 31/07/2025 Course B