Totara Learn Open Discussions

Custom Course Recommendations

Custom Course Recommendations
GeorgePat 发表于 2023年11月6日 Monday 07:02

Hey all, does Totara support custom course recommendations where we can tell Totara what courses to recommend based on the completion of a specific course. i.e. If user completes course A, then recommend courses B & C, rather than the Machine Learning Service which recommends course based on user interactions.


Craig Eves
Re: Custom Course Recommendations
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2023年11月6日 Monday 16:49
小组 Totara

Hi Pat

That is correct about the recommendation engine uses user interaction and content data to provide recommendations. A user interacts with a course until they complete so similar users with simialr course interactions could have a recommended to you course displayed.

This would take time to train the recommendations engine and the link between courses may be hard to calculate.

It could be simpler and more accurate to have a forum with a discussion on what course to do next Alternatively a program that outlines the recommended study path with a flexible order through course sets that are optional could be created.

Totara Emgage also allows users to connect with one another and share resources and like and comment on learning resources


Re: Custom Course Recommendations
AshJordan 发表于 2023年11月7日 Tuesday 03:08
小组 Totara小组 TXP Site Administrator

Hi Pat,

You could achieve this using the featured links block.

You could set up a featured links block called 'recommended courses' on your dashboard.

Add the course tiles you want to appear.

Then can then assign each tile to a specific audience of users.

For example; Users will only see the advanced first aid course if they are in an audience of users who have completed the basic first aid course.