Totara Learn Open Discussions

Checking audience rulesets

Paula Hadlum
Checking audience rulesets
de Paula Hadlum - Thursday, 7 de December de 2023, 08:30

Hell The Totara Community

When organisation names are changed or removed from the organisation hierachy, this can cause problems with any audience rulesets they are included in. Does anybody have a quick and easy way to check multiple audiences for where these organistiosn might appear in the rulesets?

Craig Eves
Re: Checking audience rulesets
de Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 7 de December de 2023, 13:31
Grupo Totara

Hi Paula

When something like this happens to an audience rule where it can no longer be processed a broken rules notification gets sent to the creator of the audience rule. This would appear on the Alerts block of the user and also appear in the Messages report source so others could view these.
