Totara Learn Open Discussions

Set a certificate in a program

Ricardo Toro
Set a certificate in a program
de Ricardo Toro - Wednesday, 24 de January de 2024, 07:53
Grupo Learn Site Administrator

Hi there!

I was guessing if there is any possibility to create a certificate in a program, to be provided once the learner has passed the courses that program contains.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,

Rachel Griffith-Boyes
Re: Set a certificate in a program
de Rachel Griffith-Boyes - Wednesday, 24 de January de 2024, 09:44
Grupo Totara

Hi Ricardo, great question! We have a video on how we've done this here in the Community in our Behind the scenes workspace.

Hope that helps!

Ricardo Toro
Re: Set a certificate in a program
de Ricardo Toro - Thursday, 25 de January de 2024, 01:27
Grupo Learn Site Administrator

Hi Rachel,

Many thanks, for your answer and orientation. We were wondering if it is possible to do it directly in the program layer, without having to rely on a course. Would it be possible?

Best regards,

Rachel Griffith-Boyes
Re: Set a certificate in a program
de Rachel Griffith-Boyes - Thursday, 25 de January de 2024, 04:30
Grupo Totara

Hi Ricardo - I don't believe it's possible to add a certificate directly to a program. Interested to know how others handle this though!