Totara Learn Open Discussions

Learners not in the list of participants

Christine Barrientos
Learners not in the list of participants
von Christine Barrientos – Wednesday, 31 January 2024, 10:21 PM

Learners have received a notification confirming their registration for a session/event, but they did NOT appear on the list of participants for that particular event. They also didn't appear in the Tab Cancellations.

In the notification logs, it said that a notification of their registration for the session was sent out. I checked the user profile and somehow nothing conspicuous caught my eye.

I also looked in the log data for the course to see if anything had been installed in the background by the administrator, but I couldn't find anything there that could be related to this.

Do you have any idea why this could be? We have not yet had a case where a registered person did not appear on the list of participants but received a confirmation of registration for a session.

Thanks for your help!

Kind regards,


Craig Eves
Re: Learners not in the list of participants
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Sunday, 4 February 2024, 4:29 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Christine

Can you confirm what version of Totara you have and whether you upgraded from using legacy notifications to centralised notifications and how you moved the old notifications over.

There are quite a few settings for notifications and seminars and this is also version dependent so it may be better for you or your partner to create a ticket with details of the setup and process taken for upgrading with seminar notifications .


Christine Barrientos
Re: Learners not in the list of participants
von Christine Barrientos – Tuesday, 6 February 2024, 10:54 PM

Hi Craig!

Thanks for your reply. We are using Totara V 17.11. We have been using the centralised notifications. We have gradually transitioned to the new notifications by setting Allow legacy notifications to no in already existing seminar activities. We have not disabled legacy notifications for the whole site because sessions for the whole year were already set up with participants. Furthermore, we have tenants in use and not all tenants were willing to switch to the new notifications. Or can I disable the legacy notifications for my tenant only?

As far as I understood the instructions from the link you sent: the best way to avoid the problem would be to create a NEW seminar activity in which the legacy notifications are set to no and not disabling the legacy notifications in already existing seminar activities?

Craig Eves
Re: Learners not in the list of participants
von Craig Eves (Totara Support) – Wednesday, 7 February 2024, 3:20 PM
Gruppe Totara

Hi Christine

Creating new seminars and noy using legacy notifications for the new seminars would be what you want to do . The seminars using legacy notifications will eventually disappear along with the problems with queued notifications.


Christine Barrientos
Re: Learners not in the list of participants
von Christine Barrientos – Thursday, 8 February 2024, 12:00 AM

Hi Craig,

when you write, not using legacy notifications for the new seminars, do you mean that the legacy notifications have to be disabled site wide?

Do you already know when the legacy notifications will disappear exactly? A lot of us are still using them.

Thanks for your help!