Totara Talent Experience Platform Open Discussions

Can we upload completed activity info to a course vs. course completion info?

Training & Development
Can we upload completed activity info to a course vs. course completion info?
di Training & Development - Thursday, 29 February 2024, 14:29

Hello, I'd like to show that 195 team members completed an assignment with a passing grade without having to manually update course completion for each team member. I believe this can be done by going into the assignment, going to import, and I chose to use a CSV file. What I can't find on the Totara site (or Google :-)) is what I need to do to correctly map the data, and I'd like to make sure I have the columns I need to use in order to upload the user name, completion date, and grade for the assignments. I'd also like to make sure that I'm selecting the correct selection under mappings.

Thank you!

Craig Eves
Re: Can we upload completed activity info to a course vs. course completion info?
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Sunday, 3 March 2024, 16:56
Gruppo Totara


The correct format for the file for importing activity grades is provided as follows

  1. Go to the gradebook

  2. choose Export in the format you are importing (Excel or CSV)

  3. Then go to the Import in the gradebook like you have done above

  4. Select Import and select the file exported with grades added

  5. Select Upload grades button

  6. Identify user by - choose something unique (email)

  7. Map the grade you want to update to the Assignment grade field

Select Upload grades

Grade import success should come up

  • Note if grades for the assignment activity are imported, they can no longer be edited via the assignment submission page..

  • You can also sue the paste from spreadsheet as long as the column names are the same name as what is showing in export.

  • Try this with a test record to see this works as expected before uploading bulk user's grades


Training & Development
Re: Can we upload completed activity info to a course vs. course completion info?
di Training & Development - Tuesday, 5 March 2024, 11:50

This worked perfectly, thanks so much!