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Seminar manager approval - self approval

Seminar manager approval - self approval
VirtueAlex 发表于 2024年04月10日 Wednesday 08:34
小组 Helpful contributor 2024小组 Partners

We've been playing with manager approval in seminars and have found it works exactly as we need, up to the last user within the management chain.

Should this user wish to also sign-up to the seminar, they are unable to as they do not report to anyone within the system.
I've hunted through the permission capabilities hoping to find a setting that enables a user to override this requirement, but have come up empty.

Is there a way to flag a user/role as being allowed to bypass this requirement or self approve without giving them god like powers to the seminar?

Craig Eves
Re: Seminar manager approval - self approval
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2024年04月10日 Wednesday 15:03
小组 Totara

Hi Alex

The users who is last in the management chain could be given the Approve any booking request just for the seminar they are interested in otherwise they will be able to approve all seminars.

Alternatively they can contact someone who has this permission already such as the site admin or site manger and ask them to approve

Another alternative is to setup an event role for approval if you know the event they are going to be attending
