Totara Learn Open Discussions

Hidden course in Course Category not showing with cog, eye etc?

Fiona Bowen
Hidden course in Course Category not showing with cog, eye etc?
door Fiona Bowen - Tuesday, 23 April 2024, 18:00 PM

HI all,

Seeking your help to open a hidden course from the Course and Course Management view. I had been working on the course and carelessly changed my view to Learner. But, the course wasn't open to learners and now as a result the course isn't showing on the category list with the cog for me to enter the course again at all to continue editing. All it has is the hidden title of the course and an up and down arrow. I have all my permissions on and don't know how to enter the course again? We're on version 12.

Any advice?

Kind regards,


Craig Eves
Re: Hidden course in Course Category not showing with cog, eye etc?
door Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 30 April 2024, 21:02 PM
Groep Totara

Hi Fiona

Are yoy assigned the Learner role - by default the permissions are only at a course level but sound like you need the permission See hidden categories and view hidden courses.allowed .


Fiona Bowen
Re: Hidden course in Course Category not showing with cog, eye etc?
door Fiona Bowen - Thursday, 30 May 2024, 16:08 PM

Thanks Craig, I do actually have these all turned on - I ended up solving the issue by simply turning off my permissions, and turning them on again and strangely the course cog appeared again for me to be able to enter it again.

Appreciate your help.
