Totara Learn Open Discussions

Advice for using Go1 via the Content Marketplace?

Anna Tilley
Advice for using Go1 via the Content Marketplace?
by Anna Tilley - Monday, 29 April 2024, 4:36 PM

Hello! We are initiating a partnership with Go1 and will be bringing content in via the Content Marketplace integration.

I would love to learn from the experience of anyone currently utilizing the content marketplace:

  • What governance did you put in place?

  • Do you have to make multiple edits after adding a course? Any tips to speed up the process?

  • Recommendations for utilizing the catalog to help learners find relevant courses with the potential for so much more content?

  • Who are your curators and do you have a process for adding and approving new courses?

And so many more things to decide and figure out so I'm open to anything you wish you knew when you started using the content marketplace! Also open to having a quick chat to exchange ideas.

Thanks in advance for your advice and support!
