Totara Talent Experience Platform Open Discussions

xAPI plugin not working in Totara 18.4

xAPI plugin not working in Totara 18.4
DaelemansLiesbet 发表于 2024年05月22日 Wednesday 06:11
小组 Partners小组 TXP Site Administrator


Our client would like to test xAPI-compliant content in Totara. I found this information on Totara Help:

But we have a problem: the Plugin xAPI Launch Link v1.63 doesn't work in T18.4. Is there anyone using xAPI? Which plugins do you use?

/mod/tincanlaunch/amd/src/launch.js cannot be loaded, or does not contain a javascript module in AMD format. "define()" not found.

Thank you!


Craig Eves
Re: xAPI plugin not working in Totara 18.4
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2024年05月28日 Tuesday 16:17
小组 Totara

Hi Liesbet

Are you able to create a support ticket with details of the steps you have taken.


Re: xAPI plugin not working in Totara 18.4
GroomAllan 发表于 2024年06月5日 Wednesday 00:57

The javascript is in ESM format. Totara doesn't support it yet. It still uses the older AMD format.

Since Moodle 3.10 any new JavaScript intended for Moodle core must be written in the ESM format.