Totara Learn Open Discussions

Audience usage

Tena Mikša
Audience usage
di Tena Mikša - Monday, 8 July 2024, 04:35

Hi all,

for the purpose of our annual cleanup, we would like to get an overview of where in the system is each audience in use.

We are using Audience: Enrolled Learning and Audience: Visible Learning reporting sources, but these don't fulfill our needs completely as they display only audiences used at course, program or certification level. Audiences used at course activity level or section level are not included. Also, we need a way to extract information if any of the audiences is used anywhere at system level, eg. for dashboard or navigation, or anywhere in Perform or Engage area.

Is there any way to get this? Perhaps directly from database with customsql?
Any ideas are welcome.

Thank you and best regards,

Craig Eves
Re: Audience usage
di Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 11 July 2024, 19:33
Gruppo Totara

Hi Tena

The various uses for audiences are stored in multiple table as detailed here - theer isn't a report that brings all this together . A query could be done but again pretty complex.
