Totara Learn Open Discussions

Course with several events

Maren Heldt
Course with several events
by Maren Heldt - Tuesday, 9 July 2024, 5:35 AM


We are offering lunch and learn sessions and I was wondering what the best way would be to add them to Totara.
Is there a way to have course "Lunch and Learn" and then events with different times, titles and descriptions?


Craig Eves
Re: Course with several events
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Tuesday, 9 July 2024, 4:00 PM
Group Totara

Hi Maren

It is possible to add sessions for the same seminar and have different start and end time and rooms allocated for each session

Is this what you are wanting ?


Maren Heldt
Re: Course with several events
by Maren Heldt - Wednesday, 10 July 2024, 4:17 AM

Hi Craig, thanks for your reply.

This is not exactly what we are looking for.
We have lunch & learn sessions (webinars, 60 min virtual) with different topics and dates and we want to avoid creating one seminar per lunch & learn session. So the idea was to create one seminar "Lunch & Learn" with different events. The events then need a different description depending on the topic though. Is that possible?



Craig Eves
Re: Course with several events
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Wednesday, 10 July 2024, 2:53 PM
Group Totara

Hi Maren

It is possible to create seminar custom fields - maybe for the room and included these in notifications - the actual event name needs to be the same though.
