Totara Learn Open Discussions

Modify new discussion email notification template

Phil Everist
Modify new discussion email notification template
by Phil Everist - Wednesday, 10 July 2024, 11:21 PM

How can you modify what is sent by email when someone posts to an engage workspace

Two examples

  1. increase the number of lines of text extracted from the post to include in the email (to provide more context for the recipient to choose to read the full post online)

  2. Ignore any image files such as a branding banner at the top of the post (which just displays as text file name and location taking up all the content sent) - we have some podcast posts nicely styled with a banner image at the top followed by the key intro text but the email notification just displays the image filename and location (irrelevant in this context) and not the critical intro text immediately after the banner image (see attached screen shot of post and email

Craig Eves
Re: Modify new discussion email notification template
by Craig Eves (Totara Support) - Thursday, 11 July 2024, 4:55 PM
Group Totara

Hi Phil

The message can be modified by changing the string in the language pack as this is not a notifiction that has been created with centralised notifications. The string below is the one that controls this - the placeholders need to be kept in the format shown.


Phil Everist
Re: Modify new discussion email notification template
by Phil Everist - Tuesday, 16 July 2024, 10:45 PM

Thanks Craig

It looks like there is a truncation limit of 25 charters of the workspace post in the {$a->discussion} string that gets included in the 'new discussion' email.

Is that truncation limit a system setting that can be adjusted?

