Totara Learn Open Discussions

Report on Archived Course Completions

Report on Archived Course Completions
PaisleySarah 发表于 2024年07月14日 Sunday 15:39
小组 Learn Site Administrator

Has anyone developed/accessed a report that will list archived course completions?

We would like to be able to identify session attendees who are 'greyed out' with error message 'The disabled attendees cannot be updated because they hold archived course completion records' (see attachment).

Currently we would need to do this session by session, course by course or wait for the issue to be identified by an educator/trainer. Any help/advice will be greatly appreciated.

Craig Eves
Re: Report on Archived Course Completions
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2024年07月14日 Sunday 17:08
小组 Totara

Hi Sarah

When course completions are archived, any completed seminar signups are also marked as archived, and kept for reporting purposes. Previously archived seminar signups could not be changed or removed from the system.

Typically completions would become archived when they are part of a Certification (when the window opens).

There's a capability, mod/facetoface:managearchivedattendees, which allows a user to 'un-archive' seminar signups. When a user has this capability they will see a 'Manage archived users' action in the drop down menu on the 'Attendees' tab, which will allow them to select archived signups to be restored to a regular state.

When a signup is restored, the attendance is set to 'Not set' and the grade is set to empty. At that point the signup can be removed, or the attendance/grade changed as necessary.


Re: Report on Archived Course Completions
PaisleySarah 发表于 2024年07月21日 Sunday 14:00
小组 Learn Site Administrator

Thanks Craig. We have implemented the 'manage archived users' and it works effectively. I am looking for a method (report?) that will list all users with archived course completions (all couses) so that we do not need to find and fix these course by course.

Craig Eves
Re: Report on Archived Course Completions
Eves (Totara Support)Craig 发表于 2024年07月21日 Sunday 18:36
小组 Totara

Hi Sarah

There is a report source Record of Learning: Previous Course completions that would show this . When a course is archived the completion records are moved to historic course completion.

If you aggregate by course name then only course that have past completions will be shown once


Re: Report on Archived Course Completions
PaisleySarah 发表于 2024年07月24日 Wednesday 14:18
小组 Learn Site Administrator

Thanks Craig. This would be for courses that have been archived rather than archived course completions for individuals requiring intevention via 'manage archived users' within the course?